Welcome to Greensboro All Star Cheerleading!
On behalf of our coaches and staff, we would like to welcome you and your family to the Greensboro All Star Cheerleading program as we celebrate "33 years of excellence". Since its inception in 1989 by Amy Smith Tyler, the purpose of our program has been to provide your children an atmosphere where they are able to develop their full potential as an athlete and individual. While athletic ability and physical strength are important components of tumbling and all star cheerleading, our GAC staff also recognizes the importance of building personal character, responsibility, integrity and high self esteem.
Participation in any sport requires total dedication and commitment from both the athlete and their family. All Star Cheerleading is a team sport and requires each team member to be at practice on time, dressed appropriately, and working on personal skills as well as team skills. Learning to prioritize and manage their time to achieve these goals are skills that our coaches strive to teach every child in our gym. Parents must understand the obligation their child has committed to and be supportive in helping to ensure the fulfillment of that commitment.
GAC is proud that our teams not only compete but are also active in community involvement. Our teams have supported Breast Cancer research, provided Christmas for several families, participated in Toy for Tots, filled Chic-Fil-A stockings for underprivileged children and participated in area MS walks for a Cure. These are just a few examples of GAC girls giving back to their communities.
In addition to being proud of our cheerleaders, we are also extremely proud of our parents. The GAC parents are champions as well having received BEST CROWD, BEST PARENTS, and BEST FANS awards at several national competitions! Their support in the gym and at competitions in an integral part of our team’s success.
A successful program like GAC does not just happen. It is the result of our hard working, dedicated coaches and staff. Every child success is a direct result of a coach who has guided, nurtured and supported that child. Our motto says it all, "Show class, have pride and display character. When you do winning takes care of itself." Our children are winners on and off the competition floor. We are honored to share in your childs life and promise to offer you the best experience possible! We are proud to be, GAC!
Thanks you for choosing GAC and being a part of 33 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!
Proud to be!
Anna love Logan